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New comments feature



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    As promised, now available is a new comments management feature in the Workiva Platform.

    As part of theses updates you can now type @thread in a comment to notify everyone that's participated in that comment thread, and you can also manage your comment notification settings for each document. From the Comments panel, you can choose to receive an email for all replies to a thread, or just when you're @ mentioned (your username, a group you're in, or an @thread mention).

    You can also access these settings by clicking Manage these settings in comment notification emails.

    Thanks so much for your feedback and let us know if you have any questions. Happy commenting!

  • Katherine Loudermilk

    I want to request this option also - the ability to turn off these notifications.   We use comments very often and, after only one day, my CFO's email is blowing up.  We do not want to be notified about every little edit made to a comment.   Thanks

  • Mike

    Hello Jennifer and Katherine!

    Thank you both for your input here. We've been hearing this from other users as well and our Product Team is working hard on  a user setting that would allow this to be toggled on or off. They anticipate having this available in Q2. I've passed along your insights to our team and will keep you posted.

    In the meantime, we want to continue to hear you feedback and if any others would also be interested in this setting to disable comment thread notifications, let us know in a comment below and we'll get you connected. Thanks as always and happy Friday!

  • Michael Muller

    Hi Mike,

    It looks like I am in the same boat as Jennifer and Katherine.  I have had the same request from my Controller to turn off the email notifications as it is overwhelming their inbox.  We have a similar process as Jennifer on our review process and updates.

  • Mallory Earll

    Hi, Jenniffer Vielman-Vasquez and Michael Muller we are going to be releasing comment labels very soon and I think this would be super helpful for your process. Essentially you would be able to assign a colored label to a comment and make the label be anything you want where that's "addressed, needs reviewed, resolved, etc". Would you be interested in getting access to this to avoid extra comments?

  • Identity and Access Management

    Mallory Earll I have the same issue Jennifer and Michael and would love comment labels.  Would this be available for our Q1 reporting cycle (March quarter-end)?

  • Jenniffer Vielman-Vasquez

    Mallory Earll - yes that would be great - turning off the feature would be our #1 preference but labeling for now would be great! 

  • Mallory Earll

    I will coordinate this today to get it turned on for the both of you!

  • Mallory Earll

    You should be seeing the changes by the end of the day if you don't have them already. We are still working on the ability to filter comments based on the label applied but all of the functionality should be there and good to go!

  • Jenniffer Vielman-Vasquez

    Hi Mallory Earll, where would i see the labeling options? Thank you for your help!

  • Mallory Earll

    If you open the comments panel you should see a circle at the top where you can manage your labels. From there you can customize colors, descriptions, etc. Then you can apply those labels in the panel or with the comment view with the comments right side of the document.

  • Ali Rattani

    Hi Mallory,

    I am in the same boat and the preference would be turn off the email notification feature. When can I expect this. Can you please turn on the label settings for me too. 



  • Jillian Halm

    Hi Mallory,

    We would also like the label settings turned on for our account.

    Thank you,


  • Mark Thompson

    Hey Mallory - Same here. We would like to have the ability to turn off notifications for certain users. In the meantime, the comment labels option sounds really helpful. Could you turn it in for our account also? Thanks! 

  • Mike

    We should have comment labels enabled for you by EOD today Ali Rattani Jillian Halm Mark Thompson

  • Jenniffer Vielman-Vasquez

    Thank you Mallory and Mike.....the only question I had was when I try to load the comments label feature, it spins and I can't ever see it, it just does this

  • Rebecca Demy

    Hi Mike! Can we get this feature enabled as well?



  • Mike

    Hi Rebecca! For sure. I'll get you added to that list :)

    Jenniffer Vielman-Vasquez thanks for sharing, and sorry for the delay. Let me chat with some folks here.

  • Mark Thompson

    MikeMallory Earll Hey Mike and Mallory. I do not see the comment labels feature activated yet in our documents. Just wanted to follow up. Thanks!

  • Mallory Earll

    Hey everyone - so sorry for the delay but should be in your accounts later this morning :) thank you so much for your patience!

  • Shera Ip

    Hi Mallory, I have the same problem as Jennifer and everyone else in this thread, can we please have our comment labels activated also for our workspace? We're already on the list of users who want the option to turn off this new email notification feature.

  • Mallory Earll

    Good morning! We are no longer accepting betas for comment labels as we are planning to go LIVE with this feature in the next week for everyone! Thank you all for your interest in it.

  • Mike

    As Mallory promised, comment labels are now available for all users.

    Holler with any questions, and happy commenting.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Thanks for the tip on the comment labels, I will use that for the "updated" responses, but I would be interested in customizable functionality on the comment thread notifications, I like it but I am in the same boat that I don't want our C-Suites to get every comment. Does the notification go out for replies to comments on reviews? If so, I would want to keep notifications on replies to comments on reviews sent to our auditors but not on C-Suite reviews, so hopefully the feature is customizable.

  • Candace

    We would also like the ability to customize the comment thread notifications for each person. Some reviewers will add in their comments and then we will go through and decide who will address it by tagging them, however, the originator of the comment does not need to get a notification as it is does not matter to them. So we would like the option for a person to be notified of comments when they are tagged in the comment, but not receive updates of replies to their comment when they are not tagged. 

  • Regan Edwards

    Candace, Thank you for responding to this suggestion. I have logged your idea with this proposed idea! 

  • Tim Martinelli

    The new feature that was just rolled out in the last few days now requires each individual user to change their own settings on each individual document if they do not want to receive email notifications. Similar to other comments on the topic, we have executives commenting on our documents and do not want them receiving emails each time we provide some type of response to their comment (which often times is just noting that we addressed the comment) and also don't want them to have to update this setting every quarter. A few months ago, we were able to turn this feature off at the account level, but can no longer do that. Can the account level option be made available again or an option for the document owner to turn this off so each user doesn't need to do it?

  • Shera Ip

    Agreed with Tim - our executives only log in to Workiva to review and they don't normally mess around with their settings as they don't have knowledge on how to do this. As admin, I'd like to be able to have access to either turn it off for everyone for all documents (so far I haven't heard anyone saying that it was a benefit to them to receive more emails) or at least I can turn it off for our reviewers for all documents. As of now I'm still delaying email notifications so that it only sends out by the hour, and our team has been told to not respond to the reviewers' comments directly (instead we are creating another comment as we work to address the reviewer's comment) in order to stop executives from getting email notifications they don't need to see. This is causing unnecessary work for our staff who actually use Wdesk on a day to day basis.

  • Lena L

    I want to put in my request for what Tim asked for too!  I would like to be able to manage the reviewer's notification frequencies for them as an admin.  Thanks.

  • Candace

    We would also like the ability to manage the notifications for all documents rather than having to change it manually for each document. We would be okay with either a setting where an admin can manage it for each user or each user can manage it individually.

