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10K Cover page - new element "IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag" required tag for 2020 10K?



8 条评论

  • Mike

    Hello and welcome to the Community, David!

    I can hopefully shed a little light on this for you.


  • Jennifer Bartlett

    Hi Mike,

    I can't find the new tag in the 995100 - Document - Cover. I'm using the US GAAP 2020 (DEI 2019) taxonomy. I rolled forward in Q2; is that not the newest taxonomy?

    Thanks, Jenn

  • Mike

    Hi Jenn!

    To have the IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag element available, you need to be in the DEI 2020 taxonomy, so the US GAAP 2020 + DEI 2020. Does that make sense? For reference, here's a Help article on Migrating to a New Taxonomy. Since you are moving just the DEI taxonomy, there's no need to look at the migration log like with previous migrations, since the only changes are the addition of cover page tags like this Auditor Attestation tag. This should make the migration process very simple.

    Let me know if you have questions navigating that, or need anything else. Thanks as always, Jenn, and have a great rest of your day!

  • Jennifer Bartlett

    Mike, we are so far into the 10-K process that I don't want to chance rocking the boat with a migration right now. Will the old trick of extending a concept using the exact name that will be used in the next taxonomy work? Meaning, I'd be covered for this filing, but when I do migrate, it will auto-replace the extension?

    Thanks, Jenn

  • Mike

    Hmm... good question there. I'm checking with our Professional Service experts on that. We'll let you know ASAP.

  • Madison Ames

    Hi Jennifer Bartlett!

    Thank you for your patience. We have an update for you! The expectation to satisfy this SEC required XBRL disclosure is that the standard dei element "dei_IcfrAuditorAttestationFlag" is utilized. The SEC validation tests explicitly for this element. An extension would not satisfy this requirement as it would lack the "dei" (standard) prefix. Therefore filers will continue to receive the "EFM.6.05.21.entityFilerCategoryValueIcfrAuditorAttestationFlagMissing" SEC warning until the standard element is utilized.

    Have a lovely day!

  • Jennifer Bartlett

    Madison Ames and Mike,

    Thank you for your responses above. I have migrated to the newest taxonomy and the attestation flag tag is now available. I have my Arial_Unicode_MS checkbox as a source link, and created the new blank fact, but it will not let me apply the tag. I tried searching for it in the Concept Selector to apply and searching the Taxonomy Analyzer to copy and paste, but it won't accept it. I even copied the checkbox from the one below it, and copied over the XBRL tag for that one, but it won't let me replace it. What am I missing?


  • Mike

    No problem, Jennifer Bartlett!

    I circled back with our PS team on this and they provided the following. If you are having trouble getting the checkbox in, you can try choosing the checkbox option found under the Insert dropdown in the Edit toolbar. Then go to Symbol and choose the checkbox within there (see screenshot below).

    Let me know if you've already trie this method, this does not address your issue, or you have any other questions of course. Thanks much and chat soon! 

