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Formatting of individual sections when printing to pdf



22 条评论

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    Great news everyone! A recent update has now released exporting a single section (or select sections) to remove space and start at the top of a page when saving to PDF.

    Thanks so much for your patience and feedback along the way. Give us a holler if you have any questions on this new enhancement or need anything else. Cheers, and happy exporting!

  • Mike

    Hi Paul!

    What you are describing is know and expected behavior currently. There are some existing requests, however, for the ability to export a section and have it start at the top of a page. I've added yours to our internal ticket for this feature and will keep you updated here with any new developments. In the meantime, let me know if there's any questions I can answer or you need anything else. Thanks again and happy Monday! 

  • Melanie Lange

    Paul - we've noticed this as well and the only work around we've found is to create a temporary page break before the section you want to start at the top of page, then create a PDF of that section, then remember to remove that page break in your document.  Not the best solution, but all we have found that works in NextGen.  I don't think this will fix the page number issue, but it allows the section to start at the top of the page.


  • Paul Ekman

    Thanks, Melanie. That is a good idea for a workaround. 

  • Kathleen Britton

    Good evening,

    Could I please be added to the ticket as well?  We have just come across this issue and would like to be notified of any updates. Thank you!


    Kathleen Britton

  • Juliette Adams

    Hi Mike - This is an annoying pain point for us as well, as we are having to use the PDFs of the individual sections for our tie-outs since Support Binders aren't available in NextGen yet. Can you please add me to the update on this ticket too?

    Thank you!

  • Mike

    You got it Juliette Adams! I feel your paint there and am happy to share your sentiments here with our Product Team. I've got you connected and you should hear from us momentarily. All the best, and a happy Monday to you!

  • Javier Velazquez

    Please add me to the ticket as well. Would be nice to print section and have it look normal. thanks.

  • Mike

    Hi Javier!

    I've got you all linked up. I'll keep you updated with new developments, as well on this post too!

  • Yumiko Okazaki

    Please add me to this ticket too. 

    We've been exporting it to Word and then saving it to pdf.

  • Mike

    Its a deal, Yumiko!

  • Pawan Rohra

    Hi Team, Do we have a solution to above mentioned issue?

  • Mike

    Hi Pawan!

    As of yet the functionality to export a section to PDF and starts at the top of the page is still not yet ready, though our Product Team is working on it. I'm happy to keep you connected as well and have added you to our internal ticket. Let me know what questions you have for me in the meantime. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  • Mike

    Quick update here: functionality for exporting a section to PDF and starting at top of the page has been added to the product roadmap, likely for Q4 2021. If that timeline changes, we'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, please continue to provide any new requests or feedback and let us know what questions you have.

  • Abraham Chiyedath

    Very happy to see this has been implemented.  Just tested it out and it works perfectly.  Thank you, Mike!

  • Mike

    I have shared your comments with our product team, and they are pleased to hear it. 😊 You're quite welcome

  • Sally Nguyen

    Hi Mike,

    I don't see this option "Shift sections to top of page" when i export some sections of my document to PDF. Is this option still available? I would like to export some sections and restart the page numbering in the pdf document.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Mike

    Hi Sally Nguyen! I can confirm, that option is still available for PDF exports. Sounds like you are not seeing it in all cases? Do you have any specific examples or small screenshot to share? Happy to get you connected with our support folks if needed. Holler if I can help!

  • Sally Nguyen

    Hi Mike, this is a screenshot example of what I see when exporting to PDF, it's the same for all my documents. Thanks for having a look into this :)

  • Mike

    Hi Sally! Sorry for the delay, and thanks for sharing that. Very peculiar indeed. Something we would not expect. As such, I've drummed up a ticket for you so our engineers can take a look. A member of that team will be in touch soon. Thanks again and holler if you need anything else.

  • Sally Nguyen

    Thank you Mike, the engineer has fixed this issue now for me. Many thanks for the escalation :)

  • Mike

    Thanks for the follow-up, Sally, and great to hear!

