When test filing 8-K, any way to input a future date that is beyond test filing date?
已回答When we test file 8-k, we could not enter future date. Anyway to input date beyond test filing date? If this is something we could not do currently, we are hoping Webilings could add this function in the near future.
Hi Lan and welcome to the Community! So, two things here. First, the reason you are unable to enter a future date for the 8-K is Wdesk complying with the EDGAR Filer Manual. Secondly, a form 8-K and its variants can have a future date for the period field up to the next business day from the date of submission, provided the time of filing is between 5:31 pm and 10:00 pm. EST. If you try to test or live file with a future date between 6:00 am and 5:30 pm EST the submission will suspend. Below is a list of the form types that you can and cannot file with a future date, found in the EFM. Hopefully this helps. Let me know if you do have further questions and thanks for your valued contributions! 0
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