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Error at Create File step



9 条评论

  • Mark Isla

    Srikanth Adi is your Workiva integration user added as an editor/owner in the Wdata table? If not, please add it in the permissions and try again.

  • Srikanth Adi

    Mark Isla Thanks for the response. I am just building my first chain, so not sure of the things. I am putting the screenshot of the Create File step. Can you please check if this is correct?

    Also can you point me to the permissions location that you mentioned?


  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Srikanth Adi,

    The first thing to resolve is the error "Error authenticating with Workiva: invalid_client. Code 401". This indicates that there is a problem with your Workiva Connector, named "Workiva Test 123", and that it does not have a valid Client ID and/or Client Secret to use.

    Review the steps for creating an OAuth2 Grant (API Grant) to generate a valid Client ID and Secret pair. I recommend reading Start Here for API Grants: Leading Practices for Each Field. However, here are links to review instructions on how to create OAuth2 Grants as an Organization Security Administrator or instructions on how to create OAuth2 Grants as a Workspace Owner.

    With a valid Client ID and Client Secret pair, you can edit your Workiva Connector and jump to step 4 in the instructions here https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045097312-Workiva-connector#h_01HXC9Z6ETR0YRY7GV6GE93BGY.

    Another possibility for the error is if you are using eu.wdesk.com or apac.wdesk.com (anything other than app.wdesk.com). If so, you must provide region specific URL Overrides.

  • Srikanth Adi

    Thanks Jeff Hickey

    I was able to go to My Profile and pull the ClientID and Secret. Are those the details that i need to enter in the Connection details?

    It was still giving me error after i updated the connection with these details and ran the chain. 

  • Srikanth Adi

    I copied the complete secret into my connector step and now i am getting a different error.

    Any ideas on what this might be related to?

  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Srikanth Adi,

    The error is saying that the "input file" can not be found. It is looking for the file "2359674702" which is not found. The Workiva Create File Command requires that you pass in a valid CSV (or JSON) file to upload. Commonly, this file is either generated or retrieved by previously Command(s) earlier in the Chain logic. For example, you might retrieve a CSV file from an S3 Bucket and then use the Create File Command to upload it to a Wdata Table.

  • Srikanth Adi

    Hi Jeff Hickey

    Thanks for your response,

    In Step 1, I am using the Get File/Folder command to point to the CSV file on my PC folder.

    Please see the screenshots below for that step. Is anything incorrect in this step?






  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Srikanth Adi,

    CloudRunner is not able to interact with files on your local machine. To do this, you would need to use a GroundRunner instead. I recommend reviewing Demystifying CloudRunner and GroundRunner to learn more about the differences between the two Runner types and steps to install a GroundRunner if that is the path you choose to take.

    However, if your goal is to pull a file from an S3 bucket, you could potentially use the HTTP Request Get Command or the Amazon S3 Download File Command and CloudRunner to do so. These would not require you to install a GroundRunner.

  • Srikanth Adi

    Thanks Jeff Hickey. I think that is probably the reason.

    I tried using the RunTime File Upload and it worked. Appreciate your responses.

