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Unable to Trace Links



7 条评论

  • Isabel Messore

    Hi Peter Wetheridge,

    I'm checking on this for you now! Are you running that document links report in a text document or spreadsheet?

  • Peter Wetheridge

    Hi Isabel Messore - I am running it on a spreadsheet.

  • Isabel Messore

    Hi Peter Wetheridge,

    Document health is likely going to be more helpful than both the doc links report and link files report for identifying which contributing sources are unpublished. The labeling is frankly confusing, but you should be seeing a doc health failure like the screenshot below. If you click on the unpublished source navigation button (not visible in this screenshot, will appear on hover) that will bring you to the specific destination link in question. You can then use link properties to navigate to the specific source cell in question. If the tool is to be believed, that source link should be unpublished. If you're still having trouble on this, I'd recommend reaching out to our support team here . They'll be able to take a deeper look into the issue for you! 
  • Peter Wetheridge

    Thanks Isabel Messore - document health is actually where this rabbit hole began in the first place. When I navigate 'go to issue' this way (see below - I think this was the way you suggested), I am simply taken to cell A1, sheet 1 of the offending source workbook - but the A1 cell is not the offending cell. This is why I ended up down the 'links report' route.

    I notice my error message is subtly different to yours, so maybe the behaviour is slightly different.

    I will reach out to support and see what they say. Thanks for all your help. - Pete

  • Ashley Jelich

    Hey Peter - I am having this exact same issue. Document health is telling me I have unpublished sources, but when I navigate to the source cells within excel, everything has been published. There is nothing in the excel file that is unpublished. Did you end up resolving this?

  • Isabel Messore

    Hi Ashley Jelich

    This sounds like an issue best suited for our Support team. They'll be able to take a deeper look on what's going on in the background and provide a solution! You can reach out to our support team here

  • Martin Biemond

    Hi Isabel, I am also having the exact same issue as Ashley. So, it seems a broader issue.

