Where did Classic Wdesk / Classic Account Admin go?
已回答I fear I might have been the only one using the "People" functionality in the old Account Admin - but I used THE HECK outta that tool to see all the groups that a given user was a member of in a workspace.
Is there any plans to incorporate that functionality into the new Permissions Reports or something? I'm serious, I used that functionality DAILY while managing my nearly 600 users in my workspace. It's a handy tool!
Hi Sarah Gorman - you're absolutely correct. You can now see all the groups that a given user is a member of in a workspace via the Permissions Report Beta feature. Since it's currently in beta, you'll need to request enablement. If you'd like to do so, please reach out to your CSM and provide him/her with the Workspace(s) that you'd like the feature enabled.
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