Prepare Now for XBRL Filing: Simplifying FERC Compliance
Tuesday, June 23
2:00 - 3:00 pm ET
Stressed about the new XBRL® component of FERC compliance? Learn how your team can begin preparing now to simplify XBRL adoption and the process of preparing FERC forms.
Please join us for a one-hour webinar. Workiva, the market leader in XBRL solutions, will share how you can use our FERC reporting solution to comply with the XBRL mandate and lessen the FERC compliance reporting burden.
Bring your questions—there will be time for Q&A.
XBRL is a trademark of XBRL International, Inc. All rights reserved. The XBRL standards are open and freely licensed by way of the XBRL International License Agreement.
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