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Wdesk & Hyperion Financial Management (HFM)

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Komentarze: 15

  • Mike
    Great question, Stephen!

    Currently, no direct connector is available for Wdesk and HFM. There are plans to have one available in the first half of 2019. I'll be sure to keep you apprised on this post with any new developments there.

    Another method we've seen other customers using HFM go is to use the Prep tool to bring the HFM data in. For more info on Prep, you can visit our Help site, here: https://success.workiva.com/help/wdata/wdata-prep/introduction-prep

    In the meantime, holler if you any questions for me or need anything else. Thanks, and have an awesome day!
  • Stephen Werbecki

    Thank you Mike.  Is there anything out there that would tell me what that HFM-wDesk connector would do for clients? 
  • Mike
    No problem, Stephen! By the HFM-Wdesk connector, do you mean Prep? As mentioned, the connector itself is not yet available, but Prep would be.
  • Thomas Morrow
    Good morning, Mike.  I read through the information at the link you included above.  Just so I understand, if I went through the create table process, from there on, I could pull in replacement .csv files that were structured identically and my outbound links to the data table would remain active?
  • Mike
    Good morning as well, Thomas!

    The answer is yes, if you replace your data with a replacement .csv file, the outbound links would be updated remain active.
  • Thomas Morrow
    Thanks!  I know is was probably a pretty elementary question but I have only been a user of existing documents up to now...now I have to create my own new ones.  Different task.  Thanks again!
  • Stephen Werbecki

    I trying to determine what the connector (once available) would be able to do for us.  From a conceptual point of view.
  • Mike
    Makes sense, Stephen.

    Data Connectors in Wdesk are pre-built integration tools that allow you to import data directly from your own source system into a Wdesk Spreadsheet. From the Spreadsheet, you can then link out to where you need to use the data. There are existing Data Connectors available today, and HFM is one that we are working on getting built.

    Does that help explain the variation there? Let me know if you need any further clarification or have additional questions. Happy to help however I can. Thanks again, and have a super day!
  • Stephen Werbecki

    Yes thank you!
  • Thomas Morrow
    Hey, Mike and Stephen, I apologize for butting in but this is of interest to me also.  Theoretically, currently, I can bring data **directly** into WDesk. All I have to do is dump it out to Excel, format it as a CSV, make sure there were no changes or hiccups and then pull it into WDesk, check again for hiccups....you get the idea.  How much effort comes out when the integration tool stands between my HFM/EssBase/What-Have-You and WDesk as opposed to the situation that exists now?

    Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer to my not necessarily the clearest question!
  • Mike
    Hi Thomas,

    No worries, you're ideas are always welcome. The answer here is quite varied. Once established, the Data Connector itself is simple to use, much like the Excel import tool but the process after you have the data in can be has easy or complex as you want it to be. The connector provides with no need for manual entry and locks it down from being edited as well.

    Does that help at all? Let me know if you have any questions for me or need anything else. And thanks for chiming in. Great questions so far! Keep 'em coming :)
  • Thomas Morrow
    Yes, thank you!  I worked with our CSM to build a plan around this.  It is going to be a journey (the data volume is pretty monumental) but I think we will get it.  Have a nice weekend!
  • John Thompson
    I have brought in data from Hyperion/HFM using SmartView and the wDesk Excel sync. We had to upgrade to wDesk spreadsheets as workbooks could not handle the data (well it could but was just quite slow). The spreadsheets were very quick and easy. We synced about 50 excel tabs with approx 300 data points on each tab in about 30 seconds. Took longer to click through the options that sync the data. Current year, comparative year, prior quarter, QTD, YTD, actual, budget, variance. Found it easier to build the reports in a document and sync the data. That way the reports were embedded in the document (no more sliding the Hyperion PDF reports into to right place, and adding page numbers) and you could get blacklines on the reports (not something we could do from the Hyperion reports). 

  • Mike
    Hi Ashley!

    As far as being available, there's no new updates there but I can say that we do plan on having a connection to Hyperion through the Wdata platform available in early Q3 this year, so stay tuned for sure.
  • Mike
    Hi Corrina!

    Thanks for reaching out. I just checked with the Wdata team this morning on HFM and they did provide me with some updates.

    First, there are already some connections available, mentioned here: https://success.workiva.com/help/wdata-commands/connection-commands-for-chains-no/oracle-hfm-command.... There are certainly plans to have more added soon, so stay tuned as well.

    Generally speaking, you wouldn't be able to get the HFM connectors without Wdata, so if you're interested you'll want to reach out to your CSM or Account Rep about the specifics o of that.

    Hopefully that makes sense. If you do have any questions for me, let me know. Thanks again and have a great day in the meantime. Cheers!

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