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Auto Populate Page Numbers in Table of Contents

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Komentarze: 17

  • Mike
    Hi Irene,

    Exciting to hear you have transitioned to next generation Documents! Regarding your question, I can provide some additional insight here.

    Seeing the "#SectionPage#" in your document is expected for next generation Documents. If you are seeing "#SectionPage#" in the table, you can verify the page numbers by reviewing, i.e. exporting to EDGAR (or PDF) and make sure the page numbers are correct. Does that make sense?

    Let me know what questions you have for, or if you need anything else. Thanks as always and have a great rest of your day. Cheers!
  • Ayako Kigoshi


    I've also transitioned one of my documents and I am unable to find "Insert page number of section". In Classic, when I select a cell and right click, there is an option to insert page number of section and I use it to create Table of Contents. Where can I find "Insert page number of section" function in Next gen? Thank you!

  • Mike

    Hi Ayako Kigoshi!

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I was out for a bit after Amplify but I'm back at it this week. :)

    Thanks for the question. I did a quick test to verify where you find this option in next generation Documents and it is available under the Edit tab, via the Insert menu when working in a Document. For example, once you are in a table cell and highlight the text in question you can select Auto Text > Section Page Number, like so:

    Next, from the pop-up window you can then choose which section you are referring to and once ready, selecting Insert will apply the page number as expected.

    Is this what you are looking for? Let me know if I've missed the mark or you have any questions on the above. Thanks again for the question and have a happy Monday in the meantime. Cheers!

  • Ayako Kigoshi

    Hi Mike, 

    Yes, that is what I was looking for!

    In Classic version, I just had to select a cell and right click gave me an option to add section page number, so I couldn't find it when I was trying to add a section page number in a blank cell. Now I know how to add it in the new version. Thank you!

  • Mike

    No problem, happy to help! I see what you mean though, i.e. the right-click option isn't there in next gen. Happy to pass that tid-bit along to our Product Team. Thanks again and holler if you need anything!

  • Wade Grace

    If you wanted to display a leading character- how would you apply that?  For instance, our 10-K page numbers for the financials are "F-" and then the page number.  Right now, my 10-K in next gen just has page numbers instead of "F-" page numbers.  Thanks for the help!

  • Mike

    Hi Wade Grace!

    Happy to help knock this one out for ya!

    If you wanted to add a leading character to your footer, you simply need to add the text you want to the footer itself. This would be the same process for either a classic or next gen Document but in both cases,  you simply go to edit the footer and add the text, like to:

    Classic Document

    Next Gen Document

    For classic, you have to double click to edit a footer (in this case the Default Footer). You can create a specific footer that has the "F-" characters that is not the default by clicking the green plus button in the footer.

    For next gen, you simply need to click inside the footer itself and the corresponding formatting is found on the right-hand panel.

    In both cases, I only added the text "F-" before the automatic page number value.

    Hopefully this helps answer your question. Let me know what questions you have for me, or if you need anything else. Thanks, and have a happy New Year if I don't catch ya before then. Cheers!

  • Wade Grace

    Thanks Mike,

      I think that was part of the issue- in that the financials had lost their "F" leaders in the upgrade to next gen.  Now that I have the page numbers fixed, the TOC is still showing just the number, instead of F-2.  I've deleted and redone the "insert, auto text" and pointed to the right spot and that didn't work.  Any other ideas?  Thanks for the help, and happy new year!


  • Mike

    No problem, Wade. Glad at last half of the issue is addressed.

    Regarding your second question, unfortunately Wdesk will only pull the actual page number so any text you've added to financial footers won't be picked up by the auto-text in the TOC. In the same manner as  your footer, however, you could add a "F-" before the auto-text in the table, like so:

    If you wanted to make it really blend nicely, you could format the "F-" to have blue text and underline too, so it would appear like all one link, even though the only the numeric page number would be linked.

    Let me know if you have any questions, or need anything. Thanks again and stay awesome!

  • Wade Grace

    Awesome- thanks!

  • Jackie Limary

    Hi Mike,


    In classic, we have the option to RE-paginate.  How do I do this in Next Gen?

  • Mike

    Hi Jackie Limary!

    In next gen, the pagination is automatic so there's no need to run any sort of function, which is why there's no button for it. Are you seeing something different on your end? Let me know and I'll be happy to take a closer look.

  • Jackie Limary

    Awesome!  Thank you Mike!

  • Alice Chan

    Hi Mike, 

    I newly transitioned to Next Generation and cannot seem to insert "SectionPage" in a table for table of content. Please assist.

  • Mike

    Hi Alice,

    Welcome to next gen 🥳! I can definitely help you here.

    This can be done by first selecting the text you wish to link to, then going to Edit > Insert > Auto Text > Section Page Number, like so:

    Is this what you are looking for? Let me know if I've missed the mark or you have any additional questions for me. Thanks and keep staying awesome!

  • Maria Ortega

    hello! When we use the "F-" for the page numbering,  the "F" doesn´t appers in the automated table of content. Theres a solution for this?  or the only way it is throught the manual table of content? 

  • Courtnie Carver

    Hello Maria Ortega.

    The "F-" will unfortunately not auto populate.

    However, you can manually add the "F-" in front of the automatic page numbers within the Table of Contents. Then you can manually link the "F-" to the corresponding section to ensure that clicking on it will bring you to the correct section.

    This will make sure that both the "F-" and the automatic pages numbers in your Table of Contents go to the same place.


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