EDGAR Release 24.3 - September 16, 2024
On September 16, 2024, EDGAR Release 24.3 introduced changes to XBRL validations to include new warning messages surrounding Unselected Facts. Each fact not selected will appear as uncategorized facts and a new warning message will appear to contain detailed information about the likely cause. The Edgar XBRL guide was updated in August to include more information in section 7.3.4 around these Unselected Facts.
New XBRL validation messages may appear if a filer has uncategorized facts in their SEC viewer:
XBRL validation messages have been updated in the Workiva platform to accommodate this update.
Along with the release, the SEC has accepted the following versions of these standard taxonomies:
CYD 2024 (availability coming soon)
RXP 2024Q3 (now available)
OEF 2024Q3 (now available)
Should you want to discuss XBRL support options available please don't hesitate to reach out to your Account Rep, CSM or PSM.
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