SEC XBRL Calculation Validation Update
Along with the recent EDGAR update on March 18, 2024, the SEC published the EDGAR XBRL Guide which outlines their use of the XBRL specification for Calculations version 1.1.
This specification provides an improvement on reporting calculation inconsistencies due to rounded and duplicate facts, among other changes. These changes are expected to reduce false positive calculation errors due to rounding, and therefore will allow users to focus on improving the quality of data provided by iXBRL.
XBRL validations related to this new specification have now been updated within the Workiva platform and you may see new wording related to calculation inconsistencies such as the example shown below:
We suggest reviewing each of these messages and if you determine them to be valid inconsistencies, you can use the "Mark Correct" feature available in the drop-down menu for that validation message. For more information around the Mark Correct feature please see the following Help article for About XBRL validations.
Would be helpful to see an example of where this is a valid warning.
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