How does EDGAR NEXT affect your filings in Workiva?
Workiva has been actively testing the EDGAR Next Beta environment and has been communicating with the EDGAR Business Office regarding issues and providing suggestions. To help customers visualize how the new filing credentials like EDGAR Next token management and how filing may work in the Workiva platform, we have prepared the following examples:
Disclaimer: These visuals are for illustrative purposes. The final design and implementation may vary depending on the final EDGAR Next technical specs and Workiva's discovery and design process.
Generating a Filer Token
In this example, a workspace administrator has generated a Filer Token in the EDGAR Next Dashboard and is preparing to import it into Workiva. We validate the token is valid and display the CIK and registrant name prior to import to help avoid confusion and mistakes. Importing EDGAR Next tokens would be recommended for a better user experience, but would not be required and a filer could provide them at filing time rather than storing them in the Workiva platform.
Multiple Filer Tokens
We will support adding multiple Filer Tokens per workspace, so a customer can file for multiple CIKs as well as providing new tokens to replace tokens which have, or are about to, expire.
User Profile
In the user profile, we will allow a user to provide one or more User Tokens. The EDGAR Next proposal allows for one User Token per account, but if a Workiva user files for multiple entities across different workspaces and has multiple User Tokens, they may choose to provide them here.
EDGAR Next Selector
In this example, the filer has indicated that they intend to file using EDGAR Next—the other options will be the current CIK and Password credentials (during the phase-in period) as well as File With Workiva. The user can either provide their Filer and User Tokens here, or if they have previously imported tokens into the Workiva platform, they can select the appropriate tokens from the dropdown list.
The user has selected the appropriate Filer Token and User Token and is ready to submit the test filing. Other than the optional token management and providing or selecting tokens in the Test and Live Filing steps, we do not anticipate significant changes in the Workiva filing process due to EDGAR Next, as currently proposed.
We encourage followers to stay tuned to this post for further info regarding EDGAR Next updates.
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