Need transpose function in spreadsheets
VoltooidI recently had to transpose roughly 60 columns x 4 rows into 60 rows x 4 columns. While I was able to do this in Excel, I couldn't copy the links from the source data. Transposing in Wdesk spreadsheet would allow me to retain the links to the source data.
Hello Bob,
We are happy to share with you that this is a planned product enhancement and you can view a post about this here.
Our product team has added it to their future body of work. No timeline is available for when this will become a reality, but this is a step in the right direction.
We have submitted a ticket to our products team to add you to the list of supporters. You will be updated with the status/progress of this ticket as it moves forward.
Thank you!
0Great news, Bob! There is now the Transpose option available from the clipboard in a Spreadsheet.
Thanks for your patience along the way and let us know if you have any questions. Happy pasting!
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