Copy attachments from the PBC request experience to the control test form
Is there a way to transfer a file provided by client ("PBC request") to its corresponding control form and that way take advantage that it is already uploaded within Workiva?
It is very inconvenient to download the attachments -which are already uploaded on the Workiva platform- to my computer, and then re-upload them to the same control test form where it will be evaluated by the tester. Thanks!
Hello Jonathan!
At a minimum, you could utilize the attachments panel to download a zip of all the files (instead of downloading one-by-one) and then upload that zip to the controls form! I will submit a ticket so that our product team can review this enhancement request and you can stay up to date!
0In our SOX/IC database, the attachments are transferred automatically from the Request experience to the test form, either by submitting the request or by approving the uploaded data as Approver in the request.
0Hi Udo: What I mention is something different. For example: If you want to include the PBC into the Testing Matrix (for either a Population, Samples or General Requests) you have to download the file to your computer and then re-upload it, which does not create efficiencies.
0Hi, this is indeed needed to save time and effort transferring the attachments (population, samples, evidences,...) from the Request to the linked Test form. I hope Workiva will develop this feature soon. Thanks for raising it.
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