Wdesk desk manual?
I am reaching out to see if there is another organization that uses Wdesk to prepare audit workpapers. Our office purchased this software a little over a year and a half ago and we are now working on a desk manual. We are also trying to work out a few kinks regarding importing Excel worksheets and pivot tables. I was hoping to not have to create a desk manual from scratch. Is there someone that can assist?
Officiële opmerking
Hi Brian,
Thank you for reaching out. This is a great question that would be better suited for your CSM or our support team. The support team can be reached via email at support@workiva.com or via phone at 1.800.706.6526. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Thank you!
We have built-out desktop procedures which align with our practices. This allows our team to leverage the how-to-guides produced by Workiva and supplement them with our guidance.
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