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Refreshing Data Connection in Wdesk through Chains



3 opmerkingen

  • Officiële opmerking
    Tony Scalese

    The Wdata API has multiple endpoints that allow the refreshing of a spreadsheet connection.  The Export Query Results endpoint can be used after the Execute Query endpoint to achieve this.  Both of these endpoints have Commands (Export Query Results, Run Query respectively) in the Workiva Connector that can be used.  Also you can use the Refresh Connection endpoint or Refresh Batch of Connections endpoint but these would require the use of the HTTP Connector as these are not currently Commands in the Workiva Connector.  

  • Saima Rasheem

    I am using export query results and I see a flash when my chain runs but the data is not getting updated. 

  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Saima, here are some troubleshooting steps:

    1. Verify your Run Query command is producing the expected data
    2. Verify that you're passing the correct Query ID to the Export Query Result command
    3. Verify that the Chain has permission to edit the Spreadsheet where you're trying to send the results to
    4. Verify that you are not exceeding the Spreadsheet cell limits with the amount of data you are sending to the Spreadsheet

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