Copying one sheet in a spreadsheet to another spreadsheet
VoltooidWe would like to create one combined spreadsheet for our quarterly and year end reporting. What is the best method in Workiva Next Gen to copy portions of our quarterly spreadsheet file to another spreadsheet (e.g. year end spreadsheet)? Thank you.
Hi Jill!
I'd definitely love to hear how others achieve this today. I wanted to share a link to this post on an approach called "single source" (sounds much like what you are wanting to do).
Give me a holler if you have questions there. Looking forward to the great additions. Happy Friday!
0I just came across needing to copy a new sheet/tab from one spreadsheet to another and was hoping to find solution available. Obviously doesn't happen frequently since I'm just now coming across it, but looks like the only solution is to export it to excel then import it into the other spreadsheet.
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