Copy and paste images in spreadsheets
Be able to simply copy (CTR-C) and paste (CTR-V) a screenshot in spreadsheets (similar to the capability in presentations) for support backup purposes. The current way of attaching a screenshot has too many steps and you can't easily visually see the screenshot on the spreadsheet. |
Completely agree. Inserting a screenshot into a spreadsheet stored in the "Files" should be available without involving multiple steps
0Thanks for chiming in, Lori!
0I would like to request this feature.
0Hello - I would like to add myself, Kellie Volpicelli, and Susan Bowse in our organization to this request. Thanks!
0The more the merrier, Joseph 😊. I'll get you fine folks added. Thanks for chiming in!
0I would like to request this too. What is the current way to do it? I can't find the instructions for that.
0Hi there!
Quick update for you. Today you can copy an image from your source computer (often by right-click and choosing Copy) and then paste that image into a cell (CTRL+V). Once the image is in your Spreadsheet cell, you can similarly copy and paste that cell and the image will paste too. Does this meet your needs Joseph Pisaturo Lori Ford Amy Smith Vote4Me ?
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