Need to import a long and complex document into Next Gen
Hi, does anyone have an easy way to import a 100 page and heavily formatted docx (ie, cover page, detailed outline text, images, tables) into Next Gen without going through the agony of trying to copy and paste into new sections? The document imported into one continuous section. Also, how do I bring in images, similar to importing jpegs into Classic? I've got at least two of these crazy word documents to import so please, help!
A bit extra for anyone to help with. Is there any way to alter the outline structure in a document, similar to being able to add a prefix or suffix to a page number? I am trying to get eg A1, A2, A2.1 etc in the outline, but can't seem to get anywhere but very basic structures.
0Hi Barbara!
Sorry you've go so little love on this post. These are some great questions, and I certainly commiserate with your troubles. I wanted to provide just a couple tips for you that may help. There's this post about tips for importing your DOCX. The first part of that post might help some. The second part‒removing unneeded section breaks‒is actually counter to what you want.
The biggest thing that impacts the sections you get when importing are those section breaks. If you Word document has none, it may well import as one large section. So in your case, you may want to go in and insert section breaks into the DOCX where you want it to split upon import, then save it down and import that version. Here's a few things I found too with the options in Word.
There are a few choices for Section Breaks, and depending on which you have the behavior during import varies. For example, Section Break (Next Page) will force a new section on import AND add a section break between the two sections. It also names the section in your outline matching the text before it. On the flip side, Section Break (Continuous) also creates a section in the outline upon import but there's no break between the sections and it doesn't name it match and only applies the default of "Section X" based on its position. Here's a quick look at my test version.
From here it seems like a preference thing. Its nice that it names the sections to match your Word file, but it will create section breaks, which you may not want and/or you'd need to remove after import. Conversely though, if you have no named sections, you'd need to go in and rename them manually too.
Hopefully this helps some. Happy to elaborate any further on the above. Certainly let me know if there are questions, or you need anything else. Thanks for your patience and contributions. Happy Friday!
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