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Is anyone using the database to hold their Key Report/IPE testing?



8 opmerkingen

  • Donna White

    We ad an IPE custom test matrix in th eperiod for which we are testing. For example, we have test phases by Quarter and would have an IPE test matrix in that test. I see value in your idea though so am curious as to what others do. 


    How often do you test IPE?


  • Donna White

    Each report has to be baselined every three years, unless it changes. Evidenc eof source code or configuration changes is needed each time we test. 


    We are validating that the reports have not changed once a year, if it was changed we verify it was tested prior to being used.  I like your approach better though.  What I would like would be if we could do the same sort of testing documentation on "Documents" as we do on Controls. Should be easy for Workiva to do.

  • Xiaozhou Xu

    We have a few customized reports from ERP and excel reports that have formulas or pull data from other systems. What we do is to select random cells to ensure the numbers/formulas are correct every quarter. We don't review or test the source codes assuming that's what you do for "baseline". I don't think our external auditors do that neither.    

  • Donna White

    Our external auditors (KPMG) responded that they would like a stand along test phase for IPE testing.  If anyone has set this up I'd like to know what the form looks like.  Thanks


    If I am understanding your question, It would simply be another Test phase for the related control.  For example we have our system set up with Interim, Interim Remediation, Update, Update remediation and Year End Test phases.  My plan is to add a test Phase and call it IPE Testing.  I would add this phase to any control that uses IPE.  One attribute would be to test to see if the report has been modified.  If it has we then do key report testing.  If it has not, we would note the last time testing occurred.  And attach those testing documents.  

  • Donna White

    I think this will help us and our external auditors more easily identify those tests. Thanks


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