What Chart types would you like in Wdesk?
Hello Wdesk Community!
If you could pick 3 chart types to add to Wdesk, which would you add and why?
Post your response in the comments below. Your feedback will help us to prioritize new charts in next-generation Wdesk.
Thank you!
Kevin Walker
Product Manager, Wdesk Charts & Presentations
PS - You may submit any chart type you like, even if it isn't displayed in the examples below.
Stacked Area

100% Stacked



Scatter w/Series





Map - Bubble

Map - Chloropleth

Map - Category

Map - Bucketed Chloropleth




Box Plot

Multi-Ring Pie/Doughnut


Combo Radar

Tabular Heatmap

3D Charts

Stacked Bar Groups


If you could pick 3 chart types to add to Wdesk, which would you add and why?
Post your response in the comments below. Your feedback will help us to prioritize new charts in next-generation Wdesk.
Thank you!
Kevin Walker
Product Manager, Wdesk Charts & Presentations
PS - You may submit any chart type you like, even if it isn't displayed in the examples below.
Stacked Area

100% Stacked



Scatter w/Series





Map - Bubble

Map - Chloropleth

Map - Category

Map - Bucketed Chloropleth





Box Plot

Multi-Ring Pie/Doughnut


Combo Radar

Tabular Heatmap

3D Charts

Stacked Bar Groups


Doughnut and 3D 0Stacked Bar Groups, 3D and 100% Stacked.
3D Charts please0
Bullet (for budget vs actual comparisons), map-bubble (for showing regional sales), and stacked bar groups (for comparing locational results)0Multi-ring pie/donut, 3D, stock.
I thought that we already could do stacked bar charts?0Hey Jennifer! How would you use the stacked bar groups? 0Hi Ruth!
Can you share with me how you compare 2-D vs. 3-D charts and your preferences between?0Hi Sarah!
Can you explain how you'd use 3-D charts vs. a 2-D chart and the benefits that come with 3-D?0Hi Scott!
Can you share how you'd use stacked bar groups? Feel free to even post an example if you have one.0Thanks, Cody for adding the use case for each chart - very helpful!
Can you dive deeper into your request for stacked bar groups to do locational results data visualization? Can you post an example?0Hi Jamie!
Can you walk me through how you'd use multi-ring pie/doughnut? Also, how would you use stock charts?
We can do stacked bar charts today. However, we do not have the capability to do 100% stacked bar charts.0This is really just for visual purposes since we would like to link directly from dashboards and presentations into our audit committee deck 0Doughnut and 3D Charts - We need this for our proxy statement for compensation totals and global sales presentations for board reporting. Currently using excel having to import into Wdesk for these charts.
100% stacked would be a nice additional for out internal monthly revenue by product line trend reporting.0Stacked bars and also the double stack, as in one subject on the x axis but two stacked bars/columns. One example would be predicted/actual compensation.
Also doughnuts where the labels can be wherever we want them. Super!!!0Stacked waterfall charts! We use these in our earnings release slide presentations to differentiate between our two segments. 1How does this compare to what you're asking? 0When you say Dashboards, are you referring to a Wdesk Presentation or the SOX Wdesk Database Dashboards? 0Hey Scott - Any chance you had feedback for me on my above question? 0Hey Sarah! Any chance you can explain how you'd use 3-D Charts vs. 2-D Charts and the benefits that come with 3-D? 0Hey Jamie - Any chance you have a response to my above question? 0Cody - Any chance you had an answer for me on my above question? Thanks! 0Hey Peter!
Thanks for posting. Can you share an example of the doughnut you need for the proxy statement? Thanks!0Hey Lea!
Are you able to post a link to your earnings release slide presentations for me to see?
Thanks!0Thanks Barbara!
Do you have an example you could post of the stacked bars as a 'double stack'? I just want to make sure I fully understand. Thanks!0My comment was more theoretical based on past presentations I've seen. We don't use Wdesk for presentations yet. 0
Sure, we use 3d charts now for some of our MI reporting. As an example, on the y axis we have value, x we have months, and then we are comparing figures of 3 categories in each month as a years trend. I have attached an example which may explains better0Opps, was unable to attach the graph. 0We use stacked columns to report on debt payments in our annual publication of the budget:
3D in the annual budget publication
Also in budget presentations to City Council:
Also looking to incorporate these in the Management reports that will be created in Wdesk presentations.0Both 0
I'm sorry, I don't have an example of what you're looking for because we don't use other systems to supplement our wdesk presentations. We only use what's available on the platform.0U moet u aanmelden om een opmerking te plaatsen.
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