External Hyperlinks to iXBRL Filing and Updates to 8-K Roll Forward Article
Hi all!
Wanted to give a quick update on somethings related to our favorite topic, iXBRL.
Hyperlinks to iXBRL Filings
First, we've seen many reports around hyperlinks and the somewhat vague errors found EFM 6.05.16, pointing to EFM.6.05.16.externalReference errors. If you run into this error and are filing with iXBRL, this is most likely related to the presence of ix?doc= in the hyperlink. Per the SEC's policies for external references, URLs must begin with http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/. However, with iXBRL, presence of the ix?doc= will open the iXBRL viewer, but is not an acceptable hyperlink path for SEC acceptance. Here's an example of an incorrect an correct URL:
If you experiences this issue with hyperlinks in you documents or in XBRL, check to see if the link contains ix?doc= and if so, simply remove it to resolve the issue.
Updates to 8-K Roll Forward Article
With more 8-Ks being filed with attached XBRL, we've provided an updated Help article about the process. Here's the article: Rolling Forward Form 8-K Projects With Cover Page iXBRL Tagging. Let us know if you find this helpful and/or you have suggestions or edits.
Thanks again for your time. Happy filings in the meantime. Cheers!
Officiële opmerking
Wanted to provide a quick update here.
As of a release to EDGAR a few weeks ago, you can now hyperlink to the iXBRL viewer directly in a filing and it will be accepted, i.e. a link such as this: https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1445305/000144530520000037/wk-20191231.htm. However, you could still use the standard HTML link too, such as: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1445305/000144530520000037/wk-20191231.htm
Also fixed in the recent EDGAR release was the ability to hyperlink to https filings, which was previously not allowed and required a "fix" of removing the "s" from the URL. In short, its a great time to hyperlink your filings!
Give us a holler if you have any questions on the above, or need anything at all. Always happy to help, and have a great filing in the meantime. Cheers!
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