Audit Comment Workflow
I'm curious as to what others are doing for efficiently working through comments in the Audit module.
The frustration that we're currently having is that the Audit module doesn't identify which audit project a comment relates to. This becomes particularly frustrating when an audit manager is trying to go back through an audit and clear comments, as there's no way to filter down to a list of comments for just that audit. The "Location" tied to the comment is just the test step title. Given that many of our test steps are based on templates, it doesn't make sense to try and include the audit name in every test step.
Is there a way to build a report to pull comments for a specific audit project? If not, what are others doing to make this more efficient?
Hi Darren,
Thanks for your feedback! This is something we've heard from other customers, and I will add you to the request for our product team.
Have a good weekend!
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