Can a signer save a partially completed certification and return to it later?
I have had multiple signers that had partially completed their certification and when returning, none of their responses were saved. However, I have had signers that have had their work saved when closing out of the certification. Is there any reliable way for a signer to save their progress in a certification so that they can return to it later?
Jonah Girty The saving of signers work happens every second the user is making updates. You should never lose work when stopping and coming back. If an action has multiple signers in a single step or multiple steps of signers as soon as one of the other signers changes anything in the letter (responses, explanations, attachments) it will require the other signers to signer again to ensure all their responses are the same. If this is not what you experienced, and you feel you have lost work, please fill out a SUPP ticket with as much detail as possible so we can effectively triage.
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