Classic file types are no longer available for use as of January 2021. You can transition your classic files or download a PDF. Learn More

Certification Visibility - Non-Signer/Approver



6 opmerkingen

  • Courtnie Carver

    Hello Brooke, 

    Permissions can now be applied to Processes just like any other file type.
    If you want someone to have view access to details within a Process, you can provide them 'View' access.
    Thanks for reaching out!
  • Brooke Mullen

    Courtnie Carver thank you for the quick response!

    Is there a way to provision access permissions on the task level within the process? We would not necessarily want to open up visibility to the entire process, but more so tasks within the process.

  • Courtnie Carver

    Hello Brooke, 

    Unfortunately, this is not an option. However, if you'd like I can create an idea ticket for you to give to our implementation team to consider for future implementation?

  • Brooke Mullen

    Courtnie Carver - yes, that would be greatly appreciated!

  • Courtnie Carver

    Brooke Mullen all set! We will keep you updated on the status/progress of your suggestion and as always we appreciate your feedback!

  • Isaac Oard

    Hi everyone! Good news is that this is now on the future roadmap.

    Thank you all for the feedback!


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