Digital Tie Out features (Rollforward ideas)
Hi Team
As a part of our quarter-end tie out process ended we gather a few ideas to share in case the project teams can take a look and evaluate if these ideas can be included to the existing feature:
Idea1: Select and apply "references" to several lines by dragging (extending) the selection vertically or horizontally.
Idea2: Have the ability to move the "references" to place it in a difference part of the document, by clicking and moving.
Idea3: "References" can be edit/modify by right clicking over the reference in the document, not only using the (click) attachment section on the left.
Idea4: Marked-up stamps, have the ability to create/post stamps not only in the first page of a document. Sometimes we have a PDF document as support where we have several teams that need to stamp preparer / reviewer.
Great suggestions, Lilian!
We will get those added for further consideration by our product team, and will keep you updated on their progress too. We'd encourage anyone stopping by too to give these ideas a vote, or a comment below.
Let us know what questions you have and in the meantime, keep stayin' awesome!
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