2021년 1월부터 클래식 파일 형식을 더 이상 사용할 수 없습니다. 기존 파일을 전환하거나 PDF를 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 자세히 알아보기

XBRL error with Document Period End Date



댓글 8개

  • Gaby Le

    Fellow Wdesk user here - I believe the error you're seeing is due to the formatting of the date - see our example attached. The format should be in the mm/dd/yyyy in the source (fx box), but you can right click on the cell, click on Format cells and choose Date and how you would like the date to appear. From what I'm reading, it appears your "September 30, 2019" date might currently be in Text format - once you change it to 9/30/2019 and date format hopefully that will resolve your error.


  • Gabe M

    It looks like that worked!  Thanks so much!

  • Mike

    Way to go Gaby!

  • Gaby Le

    Awesome; glad I was able to help!

  • Anna Zhu

    Hi, I have the same issue as well. Is there a way I can change the MS Excel format (i.e. "43738") back to the date format (9/30/2019) in spreadsheet? So that I don't have to create a source link in the document.

  • Gaby Le

    Hey Anna,

    I'm guessing you have already tried adjusting the value formatting in the source cell to "Date"? (see screenshot)

    Another trick I can think of is to put the date in a different cell (in my example, cell D6 has a formula that references our Primary Dates tab), then in my source link cell I use the formula =TEXT(D6, "MM/DD/YYYY") - I wonder if that would do the trick for you?

  • Anna Zhu

    The second option works, thanks!

  • Gaby Le

    Awesome; glad to help!


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