클래식 파일 유형은 2020 년 12 월 Flash가 종료되면서 지원이 중단됩니다. 중단을 방지하려면 파일을 다음 세대로 전환하십시오. 더 알아보기

Data validation warning about boolean value error



댓글 1개

  • Mike

    Hi Ethan,

    Happy to help. Based on our understanding of that error message you are hitting, it would mean that the boolean box is not formatted correctly. Since you state that you've inserted the Arial Unicode MS symbols, I might try these steps.

    1. Copy the XBRL.
    2. Delete the current value(s) out of the cell(s) and share.
    3. Re-insert the Arial Unicode MS symbol(s) and share again.
    4. Paste the XBRL and share XBRL.
    5. Toggle XBRL off and back on.
    6. See if the error(s) remain

    Let me know if those steps do not resolve, or you have any additional questions. Chat with soon and take care.


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