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Remaining Performance Obligation Axis with Typed Dimension? No Domain or Members?



댓글 6개

  • Mike
    Hi Savannah!

    Sorry for my delay in getting back with you but great question! What you are seeing is expected based for the functionality of a typed dimension. In your case, the “Revenue, Remaining Performance Obligation, Expected Timing of Satisfaction, Start Date [Axis]” is a “typed dimension” axis, which has no domain or members that will appear within the XBRL outline. This is a new type of axis added in the 2017 US GAAP Taxonomy and as of now the only one of its kind. As you mentioned, it works by typing in the start date of the “time band” for each performance obligation satisfaction period.

    To address your question on the red dot, let's try “discover axes” to see if that helps resolve the outline warning. If you are unfamiliar with the discover axes feature, here is how to access that.

    In your outline, click the blue axis icon with a gear, which should say "Axis Defaults" on the pop-up. At the next pop-up, click the "Discover Axes" button in the left corner. And let that run. Here are some screenshots of the windows:

    Let me know if that doesn't resolve the issue for you or you have any questions on the above-mentioned steps. Thanks again, and have a great rest of your day!
  • Elizabeth Arguelles-Ascanio

    Hi! We recently migrated to the 2020 Taxonomy and we got this outline validation warning message back. I tried what you suggested here but I kept having the same issue. Please can you advise as to what else we can do. 



  • Jennifer Bartlett


    As an add-on question, do we have to manually update the typed date every quarter? :(

  • Mike


    Elizabeth Arguelles-Ascanio sorry for missing this all those months ago. Let me check on this. And same for you Jennifer Bartlett. I'm reaching out to Professional Services experts to see what they have here. Hopefully I'll have something for you soon.

  • Jennifer Bartlett

    Hi Mike, did you ever hear back on whether this axis has to be manually updated each quarter? I'm seeing that it does, but when will that change?

  • Mike

    Oof, thanks for the reminder Jennifer Bartlett!

    Yes, I can confirm from our PS team it does need to be updated quarterly. Since it is a typed dimension, we're not sure if it will ever have the capability of being rolled forward or not.
    Sorry for the delay and let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!

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