
How to create auto updating page references...




  • Mike

    Howdy, Ben!

    Looks like you stumbled upon this here but no worries. As mentioned, though auto referencing a single page number is currently not possible, though it is in the works as we speak. We anticipate having this available this quarter and will let you know once its released.

  • Chuck

    Yea. Our workaround for something like this would be to reference the linked section header. For example; Please find the XYZ results found is Section XXX rather than a specific page # . If the section header is linked and changes are made to the sections/document that reference will remain consistent no matter what the changes are. Let me know if this makes sense.

  • Agnes Lengyel

    We are also missing auto referencing a single page number (or range of page number). The automatic page referencing tool would save us time and avoid manual workaround. It would also give us a comfort especially in last minutes changes in pagination. That will be also desirable if we could copy the auto page reference together with the document. 

  • Mike

    Great news! A recent release has pushed out the option to insert a Section Page Number directly into the text of your document. This is found under the Insert menu in the Edit tab:

    Note that this feature inserts the first page of the section chosen.

    Hopefully ya'll make some good use out of this new feature. Let us know what you think, and if you have any questions. Thanks for your patience and keep stayin' great!

  • Libby Warren

    Hi Mike, is auto referencing a single page number now possible?

  • Mike

    Hello and welcome to the community, Libby! Happy to answer this questions for ya.

    Today, you can only reference the page number that a sections starts on within text. Within the header/footer you can insert the page number you are on. That being said, our product team is working on an enhancement to create a bookmark that can be hyperlinked, which would meet the need to referencing a single page. It is currently on the roadmap and we are looking to make it available yet this year. I've got you connected so you can stay apprised, but do let me know what questions you have for me and if you need anything else.

    Thanks again and have a great day!

  • Mike

    Great news, friends! A recent release has now made Bookmarks available in the Workiva Platform. Included in this feature set is the ability to reference a specific part of your document, as well as insert auto-text of the page number for the bookmark. 

    Thanks again for your patience and feedback along the way. We couldn't have done it without you.

