
Dynamic Record Count with HTTP GET Command + Iterator




  • 正式なコメント
    Wayne Paffhausen

    Hi Thomas,

    The HTTP Connector has two output types by default.  The "response" and a "response header".  One of the two objects has to contain your value; as the value cannot be materialized out of thin air.  What you are describing is typical of the HTTP Connector since we cannot build around the endless possibilities it can be used for.  What I would suggest to do is use an additional option called Dynamic Output to create the additional output you desire and pull that value from the RESPONSE.  

    Please take a look at the following article on Dynamic Outputs.  You can use a simple RegEx command to get the value out of the RESPONSE file and put it into a custom variable of your choice.  https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046107791-Manage-dynamic-outputs-for-a-command

    I would also suggest in the future a more suitable place for CHAINS discussions would be the following community path (Support Center > Community > Chains & Connectors):  https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/360001460472-Chains-Connectors

    Thank you,
