
Chains error: Failed to communicate with runner - this command was not executed




  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Krishma. The 'failed to communicate with runner' error can happen when there is a temporary network disruption that causes your GroundRunner to no be able to communicate back to Workiva. There are a number of reasons why this may happen and it is oftentimes unique to the environment that the GroundRunner was installed in. This error can be minimized by adding a retry attempt or two with a short pause between attempts. You can find more information on retries on step 4 here https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036003671-Manage-commands-in-chains#section4.

    "ORA-12514" appears to be an Oracle generated error. I would recommend reaching out to your Oracle administrator for further information on this error.

  • Krishma Gupta

    Hi Jeff,

    Yesterday I got the error: "failed to communicate with runner" again. This time it doesn't seem temporary. It's been a day and the error is still there whenever we try to run the chain with any Oracle RDBMS connector command. Can you suggest anyway to troubleshoot this?

  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Krishma.

    A good place to start is to verify that the GroundRunner is up and running. You can get a quick glance at the GroundRunner status within Chain Builder by navigating to Applications > Admin > Runners. Locate your GroundRunner and verify that it is in the "Active" section. While there, look for any other issues such as an out of date notice, or a red dot next to Java.

    If Chain Builder cannot communicate with your GroundRunner, it will not be listed in the Active section. In this case, on the server where your GroundRunner is installed, check to make sure that the GroundRunner service has not stopped.

    Verify that no new network appliances that filter traffic have been implemented or modified in the last couple of days between your GroundRunner server and the outside internet. If they have, allowlisting related to Workiva will need to be applied so that the GroundRunner can communicate back to Workiva. A complete list of required allowed hosts and domains is located at https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035641572-Allow-hosts-and-emails-for-Workiva.

