jdbc connector-Groundrunner requirement
回答済みI have actually not tested the jdbc connector but as per the documentation it says ground runner should be installed if it is on-prem. Can I get rid of ground runner if they allowlist Workiva's IP or is it mandatory to have ground runner installed?
Hi Ganesh, the JDBC Connector cannot use the CloudRunner. Therefore a GroundRunner is required. If your company network is performing filtering, allowlisting is necessary for the GroundRunner to communicate with Chains. All necessary allowlisting can be found at the bottom of the GroundRunner configuration settings and outbound domains documentation.
0Thanks Jeff
0Hi Ganesh,
Depending on which type of database you're connecting to, you might be able to use one of the database specific Connectors. These Connectors can be run on the CloudRunner and connect to your database if you allow Workiva's IP as you suggest.
- Amazon Redshift
- IBM Db2
- Microsoft SQL Server
- NetSuite JDBC
- Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) or Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW)
- Postgres
- Snowflake
The JDBC Connector is specifically for the situation where we do not offer a dedicated Connector for your database and you would like to provide your own JDBC JAR file. This Connector does require a GroundRunner.