
Numbering notes in the 10Q - Next Gen




  • Stephanie Hout

    Unless something has changed with NextGen that I missed, I don't think that is what that function is for- I think it is more for when you have bullets/number formatting in a list. What we have done (which is a small time investment up front) is have a workbook section devoted to the footnote organization. One column is the number, one column is the name, and a third column that we link from uses a CONCATENATE formula to combine them into the format we like. Therefore, when we rearrange, everything updates automatically. 

  • Michelle Redditt

    Thanks for the tip! That is a great idea!

  • Catherine Alqallaf

    Good idea!  It is faster to update the note numbers in the spreadsheet, and simply publish those changes, than it is to update the note numbers individually within the document text. 

    I am still hopeful Workiva will implement a more comprehensive three way sync solution that enables updating the table of contents (which cannot be converted to destination links because the records are hyperlinked to the document sections), the document outline, and the note titles in a single step, preferably based on the arrangement of the notes within the document (i.e., if I drag a note to a new place within the note outline, I'd like the numbering to automatically update everywhere!)


