I'm not seeing a way to publish multiple or all spreadsheets together
回答済みWhen we update our source files from our GL, we can then publish to many other supporting spreadsheets which link together and weave through to our external documents. It would be nice to be able to publish changes to multiple spreadsheets at once, instead of having to open each spreadsheet and hit publish.
So I'm imagining in the files or folder view being able to either select multiple documents and hit a publish button or selecting the folder which contains that quarters documents and hitting a "publish all in folder" button which would then cycle through publishing until all links were done and published.
Is there something there that I'm missing?
Hi Dallas!
Great question. Directly from Home or a Spreadsheet, you cannot publish multiple files at once. However, I have a possible solution for you using our Wdata product. At a high level overview, using Wdata, and specifically our Spreadsheets Publish API, you can add that into Chains and leverage that to publish those in bulk.
More info on Wdata can be found here: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/categories/360002307351-Working-in-Wdata
And more info on Spreadsheets API can be found here:https://developers.workiva.com/workiva-spreadsheets/referenceCertainly let me know what questions you have as well. Thanks again and chat soon!