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How do I add a column to data pulled from a spreadsheet to a wdata table?




  • Jeff Hickey

    Hello Waldo,

    After your 'Get Sheet Data' call, insert the node 'Insert Column' found in Tabular Transformation (https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035645892#section15). Inside 'Insert Column', set the value of 'Input file' to 'Get Sheet Data' > 'Data', and select the appropriate delimiter. Next, set the new column a Header such as 'Sheet Name', and add the name of the sheet returned from 'List Sheets' for the current iteration in 'Data value' field. Finally, choose the index of the new column for where it will be added into your data (0 is the first column index). Select the 'Preview results' checkbox to be able to see a sample of the output in the Logs.

  • Waldo Nell

    Thank you.  I could swear I tried that before and it did not work, but 10 seconds before your response I did just this and it works.  Thanks!

