
Copy and Paste or Share Data Validation Rules Between Next Gen Documents




  • Mike

    Howdy, Rebecca!

    Great questions. Happy to answer them for ya :)

    For item 1, the answer is yes. When you copy either one cell or a range of cells and paste, there is an option from the clipboard to Apply Data Validation, like so:

    This works both within the same file, or between two files.

    For item 2, while you can set and save a validation to reuse in a file, unfortunately that cannot be shared across files. The only workaround would be save the rule to thew new file when you copy and paste the data validation in the above method. I've passed this request onto our Product Team to take a closer look and attach to any ongoing work there. I'll let you know what I find.

    In the meantime, hit me up with any questions you have or if you need anything else. Thanks again and chat soon!

  • Rebecca Demy

    Thanks Mike but I ONLY want to paste the formatting, not the values, formulas, or links. Is there an option to ONLY paste formatting?



  • Mike

    Hi Rebecca!

    Yep, for sure. When you paste and get the clipboard, you can uncheck all the boxes but the formatting and/or validation. When you apply that will be pasted. You can also set that as your default. Does that make sense?

  • Rebecca Demy

    HAHA! That makes total sense. Not sure why I didn't try that in the first place. 

  • Mike

    No worries. It will initially paste with the system default, which I believe does bring over formatting, formulas, etc, but you can toggle it to whatever you want.

  • Anna Cielo Oblianda



    How can you exclude the values portion if you just want to paste the formatting and validation?

    Thank you




  • Mike

    Hi Anna!

    Good call there. Currently you cannot paste only the formatting, i.e. you have to choose values, formulas, values and formulas or links in addition to the other check boxes. Looking internally, I see some similar requests for this ability and will certainly pass along your feedback here. You can follow along with your requests here too.

    I'll be in touch with any updates, but certainly let me know what questions you have for me in the meantime. Thanks much and have a great day!

