Workiva API help
We are trying to download and upload file to workiva using API. I was checking the documentation where it is looking for fileId, tableID. Where to get these parameters value? Is there any documentation available for these parameters?
The easiest and quickest way to get the tableId is to log into Wdata and open the table you want the ID for. At the end of the URL in your browser, you'll see "/tables/<random_string>". The value of '<random_string>' is the tableId.
When you upload a file to a table, it is a two step process. The first being the upload of the file and the second is importing it into the table. During the first step of uploading the file, JSON is returned which includes the file's ID. This value can be parsed out and passed to the import call. Upload file documentation link:
To download a file from a Wdata Table, you'll need it's ID. A quick way to do this is to run the command to get all files in the table. This returns JSON array of files in the table and includes their IDs. Get files documentation link:
0Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your response. It really helps. Do you know, if any way to upload docx file in wdesk using API?
0You can only upload CSV or TSV files to Wdata Tables via the API. The file size is limited to 1 GB. You can also ZIP the file to reduce it's size and improve upload time.