Spreadsheet and Workbook Synchronization
回答済みIs the Spreadsheet in Next Gen more synchronized to the workbook? In other words, when fixing formatting in the spreadsheet does it fix on the workbook and vice versa?
Hi, Alvaro Garcia! I'm not sure what you mean by this - by workbook do you mean Excel file? There is no way for formatting to automatically update between Wdesk and Microsoft Office. However, if you are referring to something else please let me know!
0By workbook I mean the workiva document where our K or Q is. By Spreadhsheet, I mean the workiva spreadsheet used to link numbers to the workiva document.
On classic, I have to fix the formatting on both since linking from the workiva spreadsheet into the workiva document only links the value but does not copy over the formatting.
0Agreed. Being able to somewhat translate Excel formatting to Wdesk formatting would be a big improvement.
Especially when uploading a spreadsheet into Wdesk for the first time - it seems a bit counterproductive to have the formatting wiped clean and then having to spend time to manually change everything back.
The conversion wouldn't have to be be perfect: basic column width, row height, merged cells, bold/italic, shading, and cell borders would be immensely helpful.