
Next Gen vs SOX Database




  • 正式なコメント
    Thressa Thompson

    Hi Charlotte! Thanks for the question. My name is Thressa Thompson, I’m the Director of Program Management focused on helping our customers transition to the next generation of Wdesk.

    The database is one part of our next generation platform. In addition to the database for SOX and Audit, we are replacing our classic documents, workbooks, and presentations.

    If you are using classic workbooks, documents, and presentations to complete your SOX process today, your RCM and testing will move to the database and any narratives and flowcharts will transition to next generation documents and presentations.

  • Stephanie Campese

    HI,   We worked with our CSM and obtained a list of the differences based on the functions we leverage.  Overall we don't see a big difference other than the Editor is now part of the database (instead of opening in a new tab),  there is continuous scrolling, and there's some new features for collaboration.  I would recommend asking your CSM if they can provide you a list of what is NOT available based on your current usage, otherwise it's just a visual difference in look (but nothing major that would require retraining).

  • Udo

    Hi Charlotte, we have the same situation and had a separate session with our CSM and sales manager. After the webex I would say: Next generation documents have some nice features, e.g. multiple users can work in the same section the same time. See 'Workiva Support Center > Transition > Planning > Available Features' for a comparison of classic documents vs. next generation documents.

    With the SOX database you go one step ahead. Creating ad hoc reports and views on the status of your SOX program is much easier. You are more flexible in editing your dashboards. There are some nice features for PBC requests, sample selection and remediation actions. Best thing is that you easily create a new test cycle with all necessary test sheets. I am looking forward to move to the database.

    Arrange a webex with your CSM to get a flavour what the database can do for you.

