
EDGAR update: 8-K future date issue resolve plus new fields for 10-Q filings




  • Donna Bramble

    Hi - it doesn't look like the EDGAR update came through so that you don't get an XBRL error message when test filing days before the 8-K filing.  Do you know if/when this will be updated? Thanks,  

  • Mike

    Hi Donna!

    That is both a yes and not to your question here. The XBRL error message you are likely seeing (i.e. error when test filing 8-K prior to report date) is owned and operated by the SEC. Despite two years since, the SEC has addressed it and we're not aware of plans to address it. In this event, Workiva cannot update or alter that rule.

    If that is the only error you are receiving when test filing, then you can assume that everything else is ok. If you do wish to bypass the error (and accept the related risk), you can temporarily change the Date of Report to an earlier date for the test filing process. The risk here is that you will need to ensure that you change the date back to the correct date when submitting your live filing.

    Hopefully that helps address some of what you are seeing. Let me know if there are any follow-ups for me, or you need anything else. Thanks much and happy filings!
