クラシックファイルタイプは、2021年1月をもって使用不可となりました。クラシックファイルを移行するか、PDFをダウンロードすることができます。 詳細を見る

How do you use Project PDF today?




  • Lynn Kaminski

    1.  We use this to run PDFs of our full filings (main document and exhibits) during and at the end of our process.  Very helpful vs. having to PDF each one separately and then combining the documents manually.

    2.  NG docs and spreadsheets and Office - essential.  NG presentations - moderate.  Upload PDF - not important.  Other - Certifications - essential.

  • Rebecca Demy

    1. We have not needed to use this functionality yet.

    2.  Next Gen Documents - not yet transitioned

    Next Gen Presentations - not yet transitioned

    Next Gen Spreadsheets - not yet transitioned

    Uploaded PDF content - essential

     Microsoft Office content (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx) - essential

  • Amanda Evans

    We use the pdf feature to run a full pdf document of the entire filing. Another wishlist item would to be able to run a full marked changes pdf of a filing. It is easier than running separate pdfs and then combining after.

    Next Gen documents and spreadsheets- essential

    Presentations- not important

    Uploaded pdf- have not utilized this feature

    Office content- essential

  • Veronica Wong
    1. We use it on all projects to run full PDF of entire filing for external/internal distribution and printing, saves time from running each separately.  Still have some users that don't/won't use Workiva. 
    2. In your process, how important is supporting the following types of content (rate as: moderate, high, essential, not important/not used)

      • Next Gen Documents - Essential
      • Next Gen Presentations - Not important/not used for PDF
      • Next Gen Spreadsheets - Not important/not used for PDF 
      • Uploaded PDF content - Essential
      • Microsoft Office content (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx) Essential for .docx.  
  • Identity and Access Management
    1. Same as above.  We use it on all projects to run full PDF of entire filing.  We also have certain ELT members that want a hardcopy of the entire filing (including all exhibits).  
    2. In your process, how important is supporting the following types of content (rate as: moderate, high, essential, not important/not used)

      • Next Gen Documents - Essential
      • Next Gen Presentations - Not important/not used for PDF
      • Next Gen Spreadsheets - high - PDF creation for hardcopy WP documentation
      • Uploaded PDF content - Essential
      • Microsoft Office content (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx) Essential for .docx. 
  • Rebecca Girod
    1. Also same as above.  We use it on all projects to run full PDF of entire filing including exhibits especially for 8-Ks which have exhibits.  
    2. In your process, how important is supporting the following types of content (rate as: moderate, high, essential, not important/not used)

      • Next Gen Documents - Essential
      • Next Gen Presentations - We do not use presentations
      • Next Gen Spreadsheets - Moderate
      • Uploaded PDF content - Essential
      • Microsoft Office content (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx) Essential for .docx. 
