
Permissions Issue after Transition to Next Gen Documents




  • 正式なコメント

    Hi all!

    Wanted to let you know some good news. A recent release to the Workiva platform included a fix to address this issue. Now, end users will only see the banner on sections they truly do not have edit access to. For any section they have Editor or higher, the previously mentioned blue banner will not show.

    Please let us know if you continue to have any issues, or you or your team members have additional feedback. Thanks for your patience throughout out process. Cheers!

  • Donna White

    I ran into this same problem and had to send an email.  That banner is not accurate.  Just to be sure I went back in and double checked all the permissions in the narratives.  I admit it is confusing to them. I've had to communicate the problem several times to users and I've also reported an issue to Workiva.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I haven't used next gen documents much yet, but I had maybe a similar problem with spreadsheets. On a document level permission do they have view only? They might need editor access on a document level, then specific access on each section. The question is whether or not the document level or the section level permissions take precedence. I think it's the section level that overrides the document. So if they had editor for the document but view only for the section, they can't edit that section. Does that make sense?

  • Dan Packer

    I think you're right, the section level permissions takes precedence.  I've set it up so that users have View Only access to the whole document, and then Editor access to only their sections that they update monthly.

    The error is likely coming up because the section permissions is different than the document permissions but this is how it should work right?

  • Permanently deleted user

    This is in a spreadsheet permissions, but maybe a similar properties. In this case I want accounting to be able to edit the sign-off tab, view only the dates tab and not see the rest of the tabs. I had to set the document level (first row) to edit, so they could edit the one tab that I want them to.

  • Mike

    Howdy all!

    Good catch here. I can confirm that you are correct, it would be sufficient for your users to have Viewer access at the top level, but then have Editor rights or No Access in particular sections. In that case, that error message does seem to be incorrect and particularly confusing, so thank for reporting Donna White. I'll follow up with them on this to see where we are at on progress.

    Nice work there @..., and great example!

    Let me know if there are any questions or you need anything else. Cheers!

  • Dan Packer


    Just following up on this issue as I'm getting the same questions from month end contributors.  It doesn't appear that this has been fixed yet.



  • Mike

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for the follow-up. Indeed, as of yet this is not fixed. I've brought this up to our Product Team to have another look at it. I made sure too to connect your ticket request with the team as well. I'll let you know when I have some more news to share, or have any questions. Thanks for your patience and chat with you soon. Best!

  • Nicole Sackedis

    Have there been any updates yet, we are experiencing the same issue and it is causing a lot of extra emails and questions from people linking they don't have access.  

  • Mike

    Hi Nicole,

    I don't have any new updates except that it continues to be investigated by our Product Team. As you might have also seen, I've connected your request for this with the team and shared your input regarding your fellow users' experiences as well. We'll keep you updated on this post, or here: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/requests. Thanks again and chat soon.


  • Danielle Smith

    Hi Mike,

    Just wanted to jump on here to reiterate the need for this fix. We have received lots of questions from users confused by the banner saying they have view only access when they actually have editor access.

    Thanks for keeping us updated on the progress.

  • Mike

    Hi Danielle Smith!

    I've got you connected to this request on our end and you can use the same link to follow along here: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/requests.

    A bit of an update on progress here. Based on all your excellent feedback, our Product Team has prioritized this and we anticipate having this remedied with in the next month. Thanks again all for your input and patience throughout. I'll let you know just as soon as its fully resolved. Cheers!

