
Vertical Text




  • Mike

    Hi Tim Rodgers!

    Great question. I did a little testing and found that this is best achievable in next gen Presentations by using a text block and then rotating it. Here's an example:

    In addition, Shapes can be rotated as well and can have text inside of them, although by default a text box doesn't have any borders, like a Shape does. In addition, Tables cannot be rotated.

    Hope this helps some. Do let me know if you have any questions on the above or need any additional assistance. Thanks again, and have an awesome day!

  • Tim Rodgers

    That works perfectly.  Thank you very much Mike!

  • Summer Prohaska

    What about rotating the text within a line/arrow on a flowchart?

  • Mike

    Hi Summer!

    I did some quick testing to verify and its a yes/no here. For an arrow shape, if you add text within it and rotate the shape, the text will also rotate. However, for a Line or Connector which you then add text to, when you rotate the Line or Connector the text within it stays horizontal. If you are wishing for the text to also rotate, the only workaround I can think of is to create a text box and then rotate that text to then sit on top of/above/below your Line or Connector shape. Does that make sense?

    Let me know if I've missed the mark or you have any questions for me. Thanks for reaching out and for your contributions. Have a super day!

  • Summer Prohaska

    Makes sense, thanks!

  • Peter Molnar

    Can this be done in the classic editor platfom as well?  I need to invert name in a chart.

  • Mike

    Hi Peter!

    Yep, for sure you can rotate a text box (or other shape, with text) in a classic Presentation. Here's an example:

    Is this what you are looking to do? Let me know if I've missed the mark or you have any follow-ups for me. Thanks and happy Monday!

  • Mike

    Hi all!

    Wanted to let you know that vertical text support was recently added to Spreadsheets and embedded tables, so either if you link from your Spreadsheet to a table in your Presentation, or adjust the setting in your embedded table itself, it will also be vertically shifted. The option is found in the Edit menu next to the indent options.

  • Nedaa Karawan

    Hi Mike

    I am trying to use the vertical text in the table embedded in word, but it is not working


  • Mike

    Hi Nedaa Karawan!

    Happy to help. I believe I know what culprit is here. Your document type is probably set to a filing type of document, i.e. a 10-Q, 8-K, etc., and if so, vertical text isn't allowed. This has to do with the EDGARization process for vertical text, which is not great. However, if you change your document type under File > Document Properties > Type to None, the options will be there.

    Let me know what questions you have, or if you need anything else. Thanks as always and chat soon!


  • Nedaa Karawan

    Thanks a lot! It worked :)

  • Lindsay Lillard

    Can the file type be changed to add the vertical text formatting, then reverted back to the original document type once the table is created with the vertical text?

  • Mike

    Hi Lindsay!

    Sorry for my delay here. You may have already found your resolution, but I tested and it did allow me to make Vertical Text and change the Document Type without changing the text orientation. Are you seeing the same?

  • Lindsay Lillard

    Hi, thank you for the reply.  I just need to know if I change the document type to make the text vertical, can I change the document type back to the original?


    Thank you.


  • Mike

    Hi Lindsay!

    Yes, if you change the document type, the vertical text should still be present.

  • Lindsay Lillard

    Great.  Thank you!

