
Viewing documents on three monitors




  • Scott Paasch
    If you are using classic forms, I found the best way is to restore down the browser and then stretch the browser across both screens. so when you do a split screen you can alter where it splits so it splits right where the screens stop. 

    For the Next gen, I open up the same sheet/document in a new browser by right clicking on the tab and selecting the option to open in new browser tab then you can drag the new tab to a secondary screen to view them side by side. 
  • Abraham Chiyedath
    Thanks, yes we have classic and this is how I'm doing it for two monitors, but it seems it doesn't work for three - when I try to drag a third document over, it doesn't want to stay on the third monitor.
  • Scott Paasch
    I see what you are saying now. you woud like an additional split when you drag the items next to each other. I am not sure that is possible, I think there is only the ability to split the screen once to view side by side. I can't recall if you can have 2 classic sessions open (I am thinking not), but if you open another session from a different project, would that allow you to have it on the 3rd monitor. I have 3 monitors, but 2 are side by side and the 3rd is above the other 2 for reference, so I don't have the opportunity to stretch it across 3 monitors. Can you send a screen shot of what you are attempting. 
  • Abraham Chiyedath
    Correct, I tried but classic doesn't allow two sessions, unfortunately - I was logged out of the first when I opened the second.  Let me try to pull up our frozen/published filings for a screenshot.
  • Scott Paasch
    I frequenlty ran into that problem also, I got myself a 36" monitor so I could split it all on one screen, but was never able to open another session. Started to move everything to Next Gen and it is much easier, I always have 2 sessions open at the same time. You can have a Next Gen session open with a classic session. I know that may not solve your problem, but something to think about. 
  • Abraham Chiyedath
    Nice! Thank you, will definitely consider this.
