Can you copy and paste an entire section in your word document project?
Hi Morgan!
The good news, which you might have already discovered, is that you can totally copy and paste an entire section to replicate it in Wdesk. This is actually a quite common method of duplicating and/or combining a section.
The quick-fast way would be to firs create your new, blank section. Then, in the section you want to duplicate, type CTRL+A to select all, then CTRL+C to copy. And finally, in the blank section, type CTRL+V to paste and voila! Your data should be pasted over, including tables, charts, images and links.
Hopefully that helps answer your question. Let me know what other questions you have in the meantime, or if you have any follow-ups. Thanks again, and have a super day!0Hi Mike
Is there a way to copy and paste an entire section that contains source links? I'm looking for there to be a second source link in the new section.
0Hi Kaitlyn,
Thanks for the question. Happy to help answer.
While its certainly possible to copy and paste and entire section, including the links, you can't have more than one source, so to speak. You can move a source from one section to another, but if you simply copy a source from one place and paste, by default it will want to create another destination. Does that make sense? Let me know if I've missed the mark, or you have further questions for me.Thanks again and chat with you soon. Cheers!
0Hi Morgan and Kaitlyn!
As mentioned here, you can now duplicate a single section (or many sections) in your Documents. Give us a holler if you have any questions. Thanks!
0When I Copy /Cut and Paste a section or text, the comments are not copied over to that new place. Is there any way to do that?
0Hi Deepthi!
Today comments are not included in the copied content you paste. This is something we've received requests for and I'm happy to add you as a requestor there as well.
In the meantime, let me know what questions you have. Thanks and have a great day!
0Thank you for quick reply Mike. This is a big deal for our business as we rely on the comments alot. Is there any work around that you recommend? or that you know of?
0Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, Deepthi. I appreciate your added candor here. Sadly, i don't have much in regards to a workaround, outside of replicating the comments on the pasted content, though you would be the author of all of them in this case. You could @mention the original author in the duplicated comment for their eyes at least. Not an awesome suggestion, but could work.