
Adding New Reviewer for Test Forms




  • Mike
    Hi Hira!

    Thanks for the question. To add a new reviewer to the available drop-down list in a test form, you'll need to add these members to your database. Though they already exist in Wdesk as a member, they are not yet found in your database. To add them, follow these steps:

    From the database view, click on Data and then Person. This is your view of members arleady in your database. From here you can edit or remove an existing person in your database, or create a new person. In your case, we need to create a new person. From this window, click the 'Create' button in the top right, like so:

    Next, you can jump to the bottom of this form and begin to fill in 'Is User' with the correct username you wish to add. As  you type, it will start to pull up your available users, like so:

    After that, you can select 'Save' and the corresponding first name, last name, email, etc., will be automatically computed from the existing member details, so no need to add your own details there.

    Now this person will be an available choice from the drop-down list on your test forms.

    If you have any questions on the above or need anything else, let me know. Have a great rest of your day!
  • Mike
    Hello again, Hira!

    I did some further digging with our SOX team and I misspoke before. Once a member is added in Wdesk, they will have a Person record created automatically unless an existing Person record has a matching email address to the User. In that case, the User Sync will automatically connect the User to the Person. So that being said, your members should already have a Person record, which you may already have seen.

    One thing to check is if you have a Filter Query on the Tester drop down that would prevent non-testers from showing in the drop down. For example, you could have a group defaulted to that drop-down menu and unless a member or members are added to that group, the will not show up in the drop-down menu. Does that make sense?

    Let me know if you have any follow-up questions for me on any of the above. Thanks again and talk to you soon. Cheers!
  • Hira Ahmad

    Thank you for your guidance Mike! As you mentioned, the member had a Person record, but I still could not view them as an option for reviewer. We do not have a filter query, and our reviewers are not part of a specific reviewer only group. During implementation, we had specified users who would be reviewers to the onboarding team, but it seems like we missed one individual. If you have any additional insight, or if screenshots etc. would help, let me know! If it seems like a uncommon issue, I can definitely reach out to our customer rep.
  • Mike
    Hi Hira!

    Thanks for the info. On other thought I had was to check for a department filter as well. Test form reviewers can also be set by that and this new reviewer may not yet be part of that department. It may be worthwhile to reach out to your CSM as they'd have direct access to view the issue, but do let me know if you have any further questions for me.

    Thanks again. Cheers!
