
Add conditional formatting to spreadsheets




  • 正式なコメント

    Hi all,

    Great news! As promised, a recent release to Wdesk has now made available the ability to apply conditional formatting in Spreadsheets. :) Conditions are found under the Edit tab in Wdesk Spreadsheets, like so:

    Holler if you have any questions or need anything else. Cheers, and happy formatting! 

  • Mike
    Hi John!

    The good news is yes, in the near future conditional formatting will be available for Spreadsheets, just like it is for Workbooks. As soon as it does become available, I'll let you know on this post.

    In the meantime, let me know if you have any further questions for me or need anything else. Have a great day! 
  • Caroline Hemmer Sand
    Hello, has there been an update to this. We are going to transition to spreadsheets and conditional formatting would be very helpful. Thanks!
  • Mike
    Excited to hear about your move to Spreadsheets, Caroline! While this is not yet released, we anticipate this being available very soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

    Thanks for reaching out and talk to you soon. Cheers!
  • Ben Andrews
    great news!  thanks, mike.
  • Juaque Swanepoel

    Not sure if I should have created a new post

    I created conditional formatting rules based on cell value selected (data validation).

    The same conditional formatting was used across multiple sheets.

    The problem I'm having is that I want to edit the conditional formatting rules but the conditional formatting take forever to load.

    What are the limits of conditional formatting, how many cells can be conditional formatted until you struggle to edit rules?

  • Roman Magar

    It's frustrating sometime but for me almost always works when I refresh/reload the browser. And the good thing is, It does reload to where you were left off. I found that's normally due to limited computer resources like not having enough RAM. The browser runs so many processes in the background that it takes all the resources specially RAM and starts causing these kind of issues, and refresh/reload frees up the RAM. 

  • Mike

    You are all good Juaque Swanepoel. Thanks for reaching out.

    Roman Magar hit the nail on the head. This can be dependent on many factors, with available computer memory and internet connection speed being at the top. These are directly impacted by how many cells have that formatting, how many are linked, how many formula calculations are being run, and so on. I'm double checking on any hard limits, but Roman's tips should help here.

    Thanks again and let me know what questions you have.

  • Juaque Swanepoel

    Thanks Roman Magar Mike. refreshing the browser worked.

    I'll be refreshing a bit more now.


    I'll also apply the conditional format to the entire range instead of only cells with values as there were too many conditions on my list.

  • Mike

    Glad that panned out for you, and thanks for sharing. We're definitely interesting in improving the speed and performance where we can, so I'll certainly pass your experiences along.

