How to find unpublished links
Hi Scott,
So sorry I missed this question when it came in. I did some quick checking with our Product Team on this and at this time, there's not a direct way to find the locations of any unpublished links. I have passed this along for further discussion, however, and will keep you updated here going forward.
My apologies again for the delay in getting back with you. Give me a holler if you have any follow-up questions or need anything else. Have a great day in the meantime. Cheers!0Hi Mike,
I was wondering if there has been any update on this front? This would be a huge help to us as well!
Thanks!0Hi Kelly (and Scott)!
Thanks for reaching out and reminding me about some updates. I do have a few for you that should work.
While a full listing of all unpublished links isn't yet available, you can find this info in a few ways. First, you can run a Document Health analysis on your Spreadsheet. This is found on the left panel of your Spreadsheet, just under the outline button. Click on this button and then select Continue after it runs.
The unpublished link info would fall under the "Verified Linking Issues" section:
Additionally, any section of your Spreadsheet that does contain an unpublished link would have an indicator in the outline, like so:
Furthermore, when you visit that section, you should see the links in questions as indicated with the same orange triangle you are used to seeing for links still in draft.
Does this make sense? Let me know what other questions you have or if you need anything else. Thanks again and have a great day in the meantime. Cheers!0It does, thanks. I think my issue is more around finding unpublished links that feed into one spreadsheet without opening up all of the linked spreadsheets.
For example, our cash flow has 14 entities and I created a spreadsheet so I can check if there are any differences between our system and my proof without opening the cash flow spreadsheet for each entity. I'd like to be able to see if there are any unpublished links from the individual entities on this proof spreadsheet so I wouldn't have to open 14 spreadsheets and check for unpublished links. If that makes sense.0Gotcha, that makes sense for sure.
I'll pass this use case along and let you know what I find. Thanks for info and chat soon.0Hi Kelly!
Wanted to let you know that I discussed this feature request with our Product Team and its definitely under discussion currently. As we get closer to knowing more, I'll certainly keep you updated.
Thanks again and give me a holler if you need anything else. Happy Friday!0Thanks Mike! 0
What would be really helpful is to be able to see all unpublished links across multiple spreadsheets. So far, other than opening every spreadsheet we have to see if they have unpublished items, the only way I have been able to identify this issue is in validation for classic documents (would have built differently if I knew then what I know now; however, too much to change). So will validation still exist for Documents and the project in next gen; i.e., will there be an ability to run a Mass health review with the ability to deselect items that are not relevant that encompasses everything in the project)? Outside of the single source, this has been one of the most helpful tools in classic for us to find any potential issues.0Hi Mike,
I'd like to request this feature as well. I ran the document health, and I have no linking issues, but my document has 2 unpublished links that I don't know where they are coming from.
Just wondering if there has been any follow up on this?
thank you.
0Hi Lisa,
Thanks for the follow-up on this item. I did some checking and it seems some improvement has been made here. If you run your Document Health report, it will find any Unpublished items and from these, you can be navigated to the source, whether that be another file or a section/sheet within the same file.
Does this behave as you would expect, or have I missed the mark and you are looking for something a little different? The same is true for anyone else on the ticket--Scott Paasch Kelly and @... .Let me know and I'll be happy to keep looking into it for you.
Thanks again and chat with you soon.
0Hi Mike,
I have a question about a publish issue, how do I find out where an unpublished source link is linking to? For example I want to determine where the 2019 source link is linking to in my current quarter.
Please let me know.
0Welcome to the Community, Marlon!
Sorry for the delay in getting to this. Thanks for the question.
If you hover to the right of either item listed, does the Go to Source option appear for you? Here's an example I did:
Does this resolve the issue for you? Let me know if not, or you have any additional questions. Thanks again for reaching out and have a happy Monday!
0Hi Mike,
Thanks for your response, when I hover over the the item listed it takes me to the source option and when I click it it just takes me to the 2019 spreadsheet in general but not to a particular source cell. Is there a way that I find the 2019 spreadsheet link on my current spreadsheet and remove it without going into the 2019 spreadsheet?
Please let me know.
0Gotcha, Marlon. Thanks for clarifying.
If you go to that 2019 spreadsheet, can you see which section of the file has the unpublished links? It would have an indicator in the outline:
Let me know if you have any questions there, or need anything else. Chat soon!
0Hi Mike,
Thanks for your response, when I hover over the indicator it states "2 unpublished changes made by 1 collaborator" but it doesn't show me which cells are the ones that need to be published or by whom.
Please advice.
0Thanks again for checking, Marlon. I think I finally have a solution for you here. Hopefully this helps.
First, you can run a Linked Files Report on the document where your links are going. In this case, it sounds like it could be a next gen Doc. Either way, you want this report to pull up the files that are linked to it, i.e. your 2019 Spreadsheets. To run this report, right-click on the file in question and choose Linked Files Report. It will run in the background and when finished you simply open the report.
Next, from the Linked Files Report, under Source Files, click on the drop-down arrow on the source file you are interested in exploring more (which in your case is the 2019 Spreadsheet) and from that menu choose Create Spreadsheet of File Links. Much like the name infers, it will create a Spreadsheet of the links found within that file. This will allow us to find our unpublished link location.
From this newly created Spreadsheet, you find all the links that exist in that file. To find the one we are looking for, you can sort the columns for Type to equal "Source" and Unpublished as "TRUE". From there, the URL link in the Location column will take you directly to the cell location.
Once there, if you want to find the author of that cell/link, you can go to View > Overlay and on the right-hand panel choose Authorship, which will color code the authors/editors of the cells in that sheet.
With any luck this should lead you to the unpublished link locations you are looking for. Let me know what questions you have for me on any of the above, or if you need anything else. Thanks again and talk soon!
0Hi Mike,
I think this will help, I'll do some digging through the linked files report.
Thanks for your assistance!
0How do you remove an published link that someone added to a document?
0Hi Anna!
Thanks for the question. Removing a link in a file should be available from the right-click option when selecting the link, whether in a table cell or text within a document.
Let me know if I have missed the mark or you have any questions for me.
0I have the same issue that Jamie did 3 years ago: I ran the document health, and I have no linking issues, but my document has 1 unpublished links that I don't know where it is coming from or going to.
Is it ok to publish anyway, to remove the unpublished links message? We are worried that something else will be inadvertently impacted.
0Hi Karen!
One thing you could do to find this file is to run a Linked Files Report from the doc in question. Once that report loads, you might be able isolate which file it links to that is causing the issue. If it's not apparent there, you can run a Spreadsheet report to dig a little deeper.
Hopefully that helps locate this pesky link. Let me know what follow-ups you have, if any. Thanks and have a great day!
0Thanks, Mike. I did run the linked files report but that just showed me which files are sources to the destination files in that spreadsheet. If I have an unpublished link in the spreadsheet, I am looking for a source file there, not the source of a destination file. Or perhaps I am not understanding? We do not see a source link in the spreadsheet yet it is telling us there is an unpublished link in it.
00Hmm... does anything show up under Additional Linked Files tab?
0Yes! That located it! Thank you so much for your quick assistance. :)